Interview with Anna Grace Taylor

Anna Grace Taylor: Angel Therapist,
Spiritual Mentor, Healer, Singer and Speaker

Anna Grace Taylor is an Angel Therapist®, Spiritual Mentor, Healer, Singer, and Speaker who has been featured on BBC Radio and Hay House Radio. Using her natural intuitive gifts, developed by years of training and experience, Anna connects with Divine love and guidance to support people with all aspects of life and often acts as a catalyst for transformation for people all over the world.

Born eleven weeks prematurely and with Cerebral Palsy, Anna took her first independent steps at the age of six and learned to walk twice more following major surgery and long term illness in her teens.

Sound and song therapy played an integral part in Anna’s recovery, and her innate love of singing inspired her to dream of recording her own CD. Her debut album Already Here was released after months of co-writing via email, and was made possible thanks to the generosity of hundreds of friends and supporters.

Anna, whose voice has been likened to Canadian singer Sarah McLachlan, has since performed for international audiences, and released another track called “You Saved Me,” co-written with Jo Beth Young.

Currently living in England, she is a loving and compassionate woman with a remarkable ability to empathise and communicate – sharing her Daily Messages of Grace and Weekly Angel Reading videos with millions of people on social media.

You can find these and more about Anna Grace Taylor’s private sessions and events, including her Angelic Connection Course at:,,  and
(Courtesy of Anna Grace Taylor’s website)

TSM: Thank you so much for doing an interview for the magazine. It’s such a great pleasure to have you in it.

AGT: Thank you so much for asking me. I really appreciate it.

TSM: How did you get your start as an angel therapist? And what inspired you to get in this field of work?

AGT: Well, I grew up in a household that didn’t talk about spirituality really. My dad is an atheist. My parents were always very accepting of whatever it was that I wanted to share and do, but I didn’t really understand any of that. I just went on my own experience when I wasn’t very well as a teenager. I went in search of ways to support myself and help me feel better. Some of those included: acupuncture, massage, energy work, and different things like that. So, I started to ask questions. I was curious about the way that the body works, the way that energy was, who we were beyond our challenges, then I started to meet other people that were healers, and that could help me, but also had conversations with me about those kinds of things that I was intrigued by, and curious about.

I started to have my own experiences, so I would feel energy and I started to experience different things that made me really realize, well, there’s something other than my own human experience, and then one night when I had gone to a beautiful, surprise concert with Robbie Williams. It was actually not a concert, but a competition that I had won to see him record for a TV show, and he was my favorite at the time. I was very fortunate enough to meet him, and of course, I was absolutely on cloud nine. He was lovely to me, so kind. It was only a few minutes, but very kind, very sweet, and he had always been very much kind of an uplifting presence for me when I have been very ill in the previous years. And I had been very ill at that point, I was very unwell, and I was using a wheelchair. So, it was a really bright spot in my day at that time. That night I was just going to bed, and suddenly in my room, I saw this huge gold and pink light. I knew that it was an Angel because of the feeling of it. It was just so profound, peaceful, and loving, and I knew that was what I had experienced.

From then on, which was about 2001, I started to want to learn more, and read more, and I was then led to take the angel therapy course a couple of years later. Even then, I didn’t understand that I would be able to communicate with them as I did. I just wanted to go because I was fascinated by Angels. I thought if I can understand them more, and be helped by them that would be great. Here I am and this is a big part of what I do now. That course changed my life and it improved my my health massively as well. I met some of my dearest friends, not directly through that class, but some of them. I do what I do now because of that course, it was a massive part of my whole journey. I would say that what I started to experience happened before then, but that course really helped to solidify the fact that I really wanted to work in that way. The Angels aren’t just part of my work, they are part of who I am and what I do. The angel therapy course that I took in 2003 was a real turning point for me, and since then the only difference is that I’ve learnt to trust that connection more, and I’ve learnt to do different things that support other people in that kind of way. Now I work with people all over the world via Zoom or Skype, and sometimes in person. I absolutely love it and consider it a privilege to help people in that way.

TSM: I’m really looking forward to your book release, Messages of Grace. Tell us about your book and the inspiration behind the creation of it.

AGT: Thank you so much. I am very excited about it. Messages of Grace is something I shared for years on my Facebook, but also Instagram. They’re short notes of love and guidance from the Angels. So, People know every day that that’s what they’re going to get from me. During the lockdown, probably around April time, I thought, you know it would be really nice to share them more. People have asked me about a book for a long time, and I wanted to find a way to bring those and some new ones, and to help people to have a thing that they can use, to pick up themselves and to use that like an oracle. So, you would open the book at a particular number that you can think of between 1 and 111, which is the number of messages in the book, or you can literally ask the Angels for a message and open it at whatever page, and that’s your message. So, it is a book, but it’s not necessarily a book you read from first page to the last page all in one. It’s more of something that you could pick up, and say, I wonder what the guidance is for me today. So, the reason I did it was because I love that kind of way of connecting, I love the synchronicity of that, and I love to be able to share that with somebody else. At a time where everyone’s had such a hard year, it feels like the right thing to do to give them that bit of comfort, bit of reassurance, love, and to remind them that they are not alone. I think if we all understood that more, and felt that more, we’d find it a bit easier to get through life right now. So, my hope is that people see it as a companion, and as a comfort for them. I’ve also included journal pages next to every message, so that you can actually write your own thoughts, draw your own pictures, or write your own guidance that comes through as you’re reading the message. So, it’s a guide, it’s an oracle and a journal in one.

TSM: How do you get those messages that you put out?

AGT: It’s really interesting that you say that because when I started to connect with the Angels, I started to recognize the different ways that they can communicate with us, so I believe that they’re communicating with us in all sorts of different ways, and most of those ways come to our senses, so a lot of us feel we might suddenly get a really inspired thought, or idea. Where did that come from? That’s our guidance. That’s the way that they speak to us. We can call that God, the Angels, Spirit, Source, whatever we want to call that. It’s something that guides us. Our intuition is for sure part of that because obviously our intuition is all that feels right to me, we might even hear a little voice, or we might suddenly see a picture of something that we really feel guided towards. When I learnt that was the way that they were speaking to me, I was really paying attention to all of the ideas and thoughts that I got. What became apparent to me was that the same voice that had told me to keep going when I was really struggling is the same voice that I sometimes hear my name, or the same voice that I feel encouraged by, or that feeling that came up and out of me when I was really having a difficult time is the same voice that I would always be writing from. So, to me writing was just another way of going, okay, what do you want us to know right now? They would just come out with these short messages, and they’re always very loving because the Angels are love. The tone of the messages is always very loving, like you are talking to her friend. The thread is basically that you’re enough, and that you’re loved, and that we’re here, and it’s all going to be okay. Whatever you’re going through, you could get through it. For some reason, when I write I can pick up that, that’s a voice really easily. It becomes another form of communicating with them, and people often ask me, “do you actually see an Angel when you’re writing?” No not very often, but I get that same sense of love, and that same sense of the familiar friendly voice that comes to me. Your Angel’s voice is a loving voice and it’s always going to be supportive.

TSM: What process did you go through in creating your book? And did anything surprise you that you learned during the process?

AGT: Well, first of all I learned that it’s actually a lot harder than we think. Lol. The actual writing of it didn’t take me a huge amount of time as I had a lot of the messages. Much of it was choosing what I really wanted to share in the book, writing some new messages for it. The process that I have found hardest is editing, making sure that there isn’t major typos in there, and I’ve asked people to help me. The thing I’ve really learned is that you can’t do something like that completely on your own. You need another pair of eyes, you really need somebody else’s perspective. I have learned a lot about being patient with the creative process, and I’ve also learned a lot about actual formatting, and what’s required for you to actually set up a book, especially if you’re self-publishing it. There are a lot of different technical specifications that I would never have known. So, it has been a big learning process, but mainly that side of it has been a lot more work than I thought it would be.

TSM: Tell us about the various courses and workshops you offer.

AGT: Well, of course, right now I haven’t been able to see people in person. The Angel afternoons that I ran in person, or usually do, apart from this year are just so lovely. We spent two and a half hours together in a group and we share meditation and connecting with the Angels. However, online where most of my clients and all of you are, the Angelic Connection course is really everything I learned as an Angel therapist, and everything that I’ve learned so far about how to connect with your Angels, how to really trust your intuition, how to work with the angels, they different Arch Angels and how they can help you, and working with oracle cards. We do a lot of different topics each week, and I send videos and meditations to help people do that. One of my favorite parts of it is I get to be live in a Facebook group. Every week we answer questions for each other, we do practice readings, and it’s beautiful. I haven’t offered that since the summer, but I’m actually planning one for early 2021. So, that will be really lovely, and hopefully will bring people together again. It will be a lovely extension from the book because my hope with the book is that more people realize that they can connect with their Angels anytime they want. We might not understand how that happens always, but the course really will teach you as we just talked about the different ways that they’re speaking to us. My belief is that it’s not about connecting or disconnecting, we’re always connected. We actually need to learn to recognize how they speak to us.

I also have an Angel Academy, and I set that up for those people took the course, first of all. Then they wanted to continue learning, sharing and growing with their Angels. That is a monthly membership group where we focus particularly on one topic, or one particular Angel. For some of the people, we’ve been doing the Angel Academy work for about eighteen months now. Some have just joined, so there is a real mixture of people. Everyone is so supportive; it’s a big, loving community. We have a brand-new meditation every month, people can ask me questions every month, and we also have a group energy sessions – we share together a particular thing we want to work on, and do that. So, it’s such a lovely, supportive place to come together with like-minded people. I think it’s one of my favorite things because it’s like this big hug when you go in there, and everyone just shares their messages, their experiences, or sometimes their prayers if they’re going through difficult times.

Sometimes I’ll offer other in person things, but of course, I haven’t been able to do that this year. I also do private sessions, so the workshops and events are a great opportunity to be in a group. The private sessions are sometimes in person, but mostly via Zoom or Skype. Sometimes the phone as well, especially if they’re in the UK. It’s lovely because everyone is used to being on video a lot, and so in a private session I get to work with people more deeply and more personally. People will ask me questions and will perhaps want to feel more connected to their angels. They might be going through a particular change, or something that they feel that they want to be supported with, and might be part of their own spiritual understanding that we work through. It could be with everything that is happening this year, there are a lot of people that have had a bit of a wake-up call about their lives, and can feel themselves going into a deeper place within themselves. To me, it’s an honor to do that kind of work.

TSM: Back in 2010, You released an album Already Here, and more recently a single, “You Saved Me” co-written with Jo Beth Young. Any plans to put out a second album, or more singles?

AGT: I do actually. I really want to sing more, but as you know I just done my book and one thing at a time. My immediate plan is to do podcast in the new year, and want to start a podcast because that is another way of sharing. I do really, really want to sing more, and I’m currently singing in a choir. I absolutely love it. I do realize even more so this year because of the kind of year we’ve had. Singing brings me so much joy, so I do see myself at least recording a song or doing more music. With all the crazy projects, it takes so much time and it takes a lot of input. So, I have to kind of balance it with everything else that I’m doing. For sure, I’ll never not sing.

TSM: You mention that sound and song therapy played an integral part in your recovery. In what way did it help you?

AGT: For the same reason I just mentioned. I love it, and I remember when I was really unwell in my early twenties, somebody asked me, “Anna, what could you do more of that brings you Joy?” I replied, “singing, I want to sing.” So, I met a friend who just started to help me use my voice and sound as therapy, not in a performance way or not to be technically amazing, or anything like that. Just to get back in touch with my voice and my joy. It was hugely healing. We always talk about the power of music and how it really, literally makes you feel better. It really does because if you think about it, we’re all vibration, we’re all energy. Even when I’m speaking to you and you’re speaking to me, we feel it in some way. And especially if we couple sound with the intention to heal or shift something, or to be in touch with a particular emotion. It’s very, very powerful, and so it became a two-way thing for me because it was my joy; I absolutely loved it, it lifted me and brought me comfort. I also literally shifted so much for me, and helped me express myself in lots of different ways. So, both music and sound are my friends. When I sing, I don’t just think of it as, oh I’m singing a song, and I’m going to share this great song, or I’m going to sing in a band. I don’t think of it in that way so much. I think of it as just, this is my voice, I have an instrument. I’m going to share it and sometimes every day almost, it’s always some sort of song I’m singing or energy. Even in meditation, quite often I’ll use music or sound to feel or connect to the Angels. It’s completely intertwined with everything for me.

TSM: I know you’ve been through personal challenges, and now in the world it has been such a challenging time due to the pandemic. What are steps you take to help get you through challenging times?

AGT: The things that I would do that come to mind, first of all, is call on my Angels because I know that unless I ask them for help they can’t really intervene for me. I call on my friends and the people I trust most. I do have some incredible friends, and I feel even if you can be heard or listened to by one person, it helps. Playing music; sometimes it’s to make me feel really good, sometimes it’s to make me cry and to comfort me in that way, and sometimes it’s to get that emotion out. I also tend to find that coming back to what I’m grateful for is a key thing. Even when you’re having the crappiest day, if you go back to the mindset of, I’m not really impressed with that particular situation, or I’m really struggling right now, What am I actually grateful for? You don’t have to be saying that everything is great to be grateful, but coming back to that thankfulness instantly shifts your energy into being more open. Then what I find is that immediately as I focus on what is good in this moment, I feel more open to other good. Things like: journaling, writing out my feelings, or speaking out them, or bashing a pillow, or finding a way to move that feeling that means it has less power over me. So, I do a lot of that. This is where I’m at, and this is how I feel, and then I let it move out of me. Then I’m going to shift my focus to gratitude or something that I love, and that combination of the two usually makes me feel a lot better. I would also say the other thing right now that’s helpful is to stay present. We worry don’t we, and we get anxious because we’re either in the past, or in the future because we’re assuming that something is going to happen that is terrible. We’re really worried about what our future is going to be, or we don’t know how some things are going to work out. We never know, do we? The only moment that we’re sure of is right now, and so if I find myself feeling that anxiety or going back over how something should have been, etc. Both of those are out of my control, can’t do anything about those, so I’m going to focus on right now. Quite often that would literally involve me looking in my room, and going, okay right now I can see a birthday card that someone bought me. It’s pink, and it got gold writing on it, and really just focusing in that moment what I can see and what I’m experiencing. Then I find that the anxiety isn’t there because I can’t focus on the future and present at the same time. I think it’s really important to understand that now uncertainty feels even more apparent, but we’re ultimately always uncertain. The only thing we can do anything about is right now. I believe that a lot of people are having to practice that, and that’s why anxiety is high. Our emotional well-being is being affected, but on the flip side there are a lot of of people doing some big soul-searching right now, and having revelations, and getting new ideas, and wanting to do things differently. So, for everything that’s not so great, there are a lot of people that are responding in a much more compassionate way. So, that’s what I want to focus on, and that’s also what I choose to help me through this time. As well as to see how many people are being amazing, how many people have saved lives, how many people have put a huge amount of work into doing the best that they can, and also changing and being great people, kind people, and every bit of kindness that we show each other ripples out into the world.

TSM: Who or what experiences have inspired your work?

AGT: I would say I’ve been very fortunate. Going back to what I mentioned before is that most people that have inspired me to do what I do were those who I originally went to, to help me and my own health. People I met as therapists, healers, and teachers that were supporting me at the time. They made me realize, wow, there’s some really great people in the world, and I want to share in that way, and I want to help people. They are the people that have become my friends. So, I would say, a lot of my friends inspire me to do what I do. Even the people that I meet now. I’m also inspired by people like, Elisabeth Gilbert, who is the author of Eat, Pray, Love and Big Magic. I’m so inspired always by her authenticity, and her willingness to just speak whatever her truth is and her open-heartedness. Glennon Doyle, I also absolutely love her book, Untamed. She is very much the kind of woman that I feel is deeply sensitive and had lots of challenges to go through, but have really used them and turned them into their superpower. You know I’m inspired by those kinds of people, but as I said, I’m also very lucky to have those kinds of people as my friends. I would say powerful, but sensitive women are my inspiration.

TSM: If you had the power to do something in the world today, what would it be and why?

AGT: To show everyone that they’re loved because I believe that love is the core of everything. It’s who we are, and if we really felt that love deeply, if we all felt loved than I believe that most things would be solved.

TSM: What’s one of your favorite quotes (or lines) that inspires you?

AGT: What inspires me is a poem called The Invitation. It’s a beautiful poem, and she really says it doesn’t interest me what you do for a living, I want to know what really matters to you. It’s an amazing poem, and one that I often come back to because it’s everything that I believe should be important in a relationship.

The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.
It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the centre of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shrivelled and closed from fear of further pain.
I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it, or fade it, or fix it.
I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own; if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, be realistic, remember the limitations of being human.
It doesn’t interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself. If you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul. If you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy.
I want to know if you can see Beauty even when it is not pretty every day. And if you can source your own life from its presence.
I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand at the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, ‘Yes.’
It doesn’t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone and do what needs to be done to feed the children.
It doesn’t interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the centre of the fire with me and not shrink back.
It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away.
I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.

TSM: Anything else you’d like to share?

AGT: I’m so grateful that you have had me share, Jessica. I think we should all be more supportive of creative people, and each other because it’s so important right now to have that sense of community, whether it’s online, or down our street. I’m so excited about my book, and I can’t wait to share it with more people. If you want to find it, or find me, you can just follow me at my website where you’ll find things to all of my social media as well.

TSM: Thank you so much for the interview again, and great to have you.

AGT: You’re so welcome. Lovely to talk with you.

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