Interview with Lior Immanuel Fischer

Lior Immanuel Fischer: Multi-Talented Artist

Lior Immanuel Fischer is an international exhibiting Swiss Artist. He has been exhibiting for 19 years, since his early childhood. He continuously reinvents his art and explores artistic possibilities and techniques. By doing so, he breaks new ground in the ever-changing world of Art. Presenting how limitless and multi-faceted Art can be. He is producing artwork, that explores the psychological effect colours can have on the human mind and mood. He creates his art pieces on all kinds of materials, such as silk, stone, metal, wood and canvas. Everything is possible! His pieces come to life through light, UV light, his invented powder technique, graffiti-cans, three-dimensional (3D) shapes, decorations and shimmering and shiny colours.
(Courtesy of Lior Immanuel Fischer’s website)

TSM: Hi Lior, it’s wonderful to have you back in Talent Spotlight Magazine.

LIF: Thank you, it’s a pleasure to follow up on our last interview and keep up-to-date with the new developments in my creative and business career, and also what’s been going on since this pandemic hit our planet.

TSM: When did you know that doing something creative was something you wanted to do in your life? And how did you get started?

LIF: Well, I’d say very early on as a child when I was painting and doing creative things. Whether it was in a sleepaway camp, or being at home and making little statues out of clay, or painting. I really got interested in art when I was around twelve years old, and at that age, I got a fascination for silk painting. I discovered a silk painting hanging on the wall in the capital of Switzerland, Bern. For me, this was a changing point, and it really inspired me about art. I started to see art in a different light. I started to see it as a way for opening possibilities, opportunities and the human mind. It got me excited about art itself, and that’s when I really started. Besides my studies, when I joined an art school at around twelve years old, my art got discovered, and I got asked to exhibit my work for the first time. This is when I started to be noticed and people saw me as a child prodigy. This is also when I understood that art and creativity, in general, are a major part of my life.

TSM: Who or what experiences have inspired your work?

LIF: A lot of things have inspired my work, from personal things that happen to me in my life, or in my upbringing, or with my relationship with my father, who was a famous, prominent lawyer at the time. My father was a very creative being who was a music critic; he had a magazine. My mother was playing the piano almost every day and singing. Art and creativity have always been around me.

TSM: What do you do to keep yourself motivated and interested in your work?

LIF: When you’re an artistic soul, you’re usually, at least I am, very critical of your own work. So all I do is try to improve myself continuously. For me, it’s important to reinvent myself, whether it’s art, music, or entrepreneurial things that I’m working on as I like to be inspired and excited about what I do. When there is a time where I don’t feel some inspiration, then it’s okay to take a little break until I feel it. I never paint unless I’m 100% motivated, and with work, it’s sometimes different. With my marketing consulting agency, sometimes I have to work even when I’m not inspired, but then I find the motivation to do it. For me personally, this time has been quite hard with this pandemic and everything, but also I see this as a new chance for opportunities and a new beginning. So I found this time extremely motivating and inspiring.

TSM: I know that you create art with all kinds of materials such as silk, stone, metal, wood, and canvas. Do you have a favourite medium, and why?

LIF: You know, I started with silk, then once I didn’t have the facilities available anymore and getting older, I started doing a lot of canvas paintings because this is what was available. So, I started experimenting with acrylic, and even some graffiti and different lights. Hundertwasser inspired me, and I was fascinated by the colours of Chagall. Works like Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci or Margaret and Monet have moved me, to surrealism like Dali. For me, I define myself as a mixed media artist. I love to do art on canvas, metal, and stone.

TSM: What sort of lasting impression do you hope your work will have on other people?

LIF: When I was a child, the most important aspect of art for me was to make people simply as it is happy and joyful. Now my motivation in art is to inspire people to be the most they can be, and I want to intrigue their minds to think deeper and further. I hope my impact will be a good and positive one. I’m here to talk about opportunity, the upside of life and what is possible, not what is impossible.

TSM: What do you do when you experience a mental block to your creative endeavours?

LIF: Fortunately, this rarely ever happens that I’m blocked creatively. Sometimes in every human being, especially if you are an artistic person, you have ups and downs. I listen to music and lyrics, I start writing and will talk to my friends. When I experience an artistic block, I just don’t paint until I feel it again. Sometimes it can take me a year or something like this until I feel it. However, I don’t touch a brush until I’m 100% inspired and energized because I have high expectations of my artworks.

TSM: What impact has the pandemic had on your creativity?

LIF: The pandemic itself really opened my mind to how we take things for granted. When I was about 19, I made an art theme for my degree there back then, and it was about comparing routine and ordinary daylight to catastrophe. I would say, even it’s now about 12 years later in time, as we are experiencing a global catastrophe. I feel like we’re living through a change in humanity that hasn’t happened and that it really empowers people to adapt. You know the greatest inventions in the world have always come out of hardship. So for me, I have a great sense of opportunity from this pandemic. Having so much time to reflect on me, think about the world, and everything has really given me the chance to discover more about me and what I really want from my life and what’s important.

TSM: What projects are you working on now?

LIF: I started doing an entirely new art series, and I’m also involved in many new projects from property development to art exhibitions in England, representing Switzerland. I really feel like this pandemic has widened my horizon. I’m now under contract in America and Canada, officially being represented. I have a representative agent in London. I’m working on exhibitions that include the Swiss Embassy, and we are planning very exciting exhibitions.

Now I’m working on an online exhibition, as this pandemic gave me the chance to give lectures about art and the world of art dealerships. I’ve been getting more involved, in general, in art trading and property development. Since I am kind of forced and bound to be connected to the ground and the earth of Switzerland, instead of not travelling around the world continuously, I am involved with projects like property development.

TSM: I know you created an award for an international human rights organization. Can you tell us about it?

LIF: I got asked to design the per ahlmark human rights award, and I have called my piece The Golden Feather. It was given to an ex-New York Times journalist, Barry Weiss. She received the art piece I have created. I’ve also written some context to it, philosophical words and then something for the person. This award was given to this journalist who was in the news a lot. My art piece was presented online, and internationally at the banquet to people in politics around the world, and people associated with human rights. I was very happy to be contributing to this cause.

TSM: What creative individuals do you admire?

LIF: I love to learn from songwriters and painters, and I’m mostly fascinated by artists who have already passed away. I’m trying to go with the times, reflect on the world today and implement it into my artwork. Like with my art, I’m more affected by the music from the past and not today. For me, I’m someone living in the present, as I’m creating and then bringing my soul to the canvas or to whatever it is I’m doing, to the property I’m working on or developing from, to the marketing campaigns, and then I’m looking forward more. Now I’m influenced by the great minds of our time and about technology. I like to look forward to what we can do in the future. I’m not just connected to the past, as I feel like our world is a combination of the past, present and the future. I like to encompass that in one. Any influence I can have is from history to just general knowledge, art or what’s happening today in the world. As you know, there’s been a lot going on globally in politics with the pandemic, vaccines and the demonstrations. They feed the people that have felt enslaved by the rules of society. For me, it’s all just growth and seeing how we are progressing as humanity.

TSM: If you had the power to do something in the world today, what would it be and why?

LIF: I would like to inspire people to see the good, and to be working together in unity and less competition. We can do a lot if we work together. I feel like cultures should connect instead of fighting. More realistically, what I could achieve is that I want to contribute, as I’ve done for this human rights award, and to be involved in human rights activities. I’m an apolitical person, and I don’t want to be as an artist politically involved, but standing 100% behind any human rights causes, or anything that will help people going through the suffering of any kind or medical illness. So I want to just help and contribute. I hope whatever I do is going to bring something good and positive.

TSM: What is one of your favourite quotes (or lines) that inspires you?

LIF: I find Picasso’s quotes, very inspiring. I find them in a lot of the writers, and even theology and philosophy give me a kind of strength and hope. Once I wrote the words for a musician, I did a CD cover and I’ve written poetry for it. Then I wrote a line, which came to my mind when you asked this question. “Everything is and one day was, so don’t waste your life before it’s the past.”

TSM: Anything else you’d like to share? And where can readers find out more about you and your work?

LIF: I use various channels. You can always go to my website at, or you can follow me on Facebook. I have around 37-38,000 followers there – Now soon, I hope to start a broadcast where I’m going to be talking about creative people in general, and I will also be talking about myself a little bit; it will be an interview channel A biography is coming out soon being written about me where people can also read a bit more about me. The best way is to follow my page and my website. Many new things are happening, such as an art exhibition in London that we are currently working on. So, people should stay up to date with that.

TSM: Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to interview for the magazine.

LIF: I will always have time for Talent Spotlight Magazine. It’s always a pleasure, and of course, it’s a great opportunity for me to talk about what I’m working on; I’m very honoured that you gave me this chance to discuss my projects. Thank you very much.

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One thought on “Interview with Lior Immanuel Fischer

  1. Congratulations! This was a very nice interview 🎨

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