In Memory of Legendary Author, Journalist and Filmmaker Betty Dravis

In Memory of Legendary Author,
Journalist and Filmmaker Betty Dravis

Betty Dravis was a retired, award-winning California journalist and newspaper publisher who also hosted a Cable TV talk show. She was listed in several Who’s Who books, is an honorary Kentucky Colonel, an esteemed “Dame of Dialogue,” a member of American Author’s Association, former member of Sigma Delta Chi and San Jose Newspaper Guild. She was the recipient of many California awards, including city, county and state and was a San Jose Woman of Achievement.

Betty was also working to promote Stem Cell Research, along with her daughter Mindy James whose son Seth suffered a spinal cord injury in a motocross practice race. Read Seth’s story on the Internet at Bridges to Hope.

Dravis was born in Ohio but was a long-time California resident. She has four surviving children, two angels in Heaven, nine grandchildren, four “greats” and a great-great-granddaughter.

Another of Dravis’ favourite things is interviewing celebrities. Among those she has interviewed are the “living legend” actor/director/producer, Clint Eastwood; country singer/actress, Tanya Tucker; the late actress, Jane Russell; the late Senator, Ted Kennedy; Tanya Tucker; the late San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto; actresses/singers, Katherin Kovin- Pacino and Marissa Autumn; actor/producer/director, Tony Tarantino and many more…Of writing, Betty always says, “It’s exhilarating––like sliding down a rainbow with a huge smile on my face, filled with love for the whole of God’s magnificent creation.” She laughs as she adds, “Yeah…and marketing is like trudging through a field of ‘chewed’ bubblegum on a hot, sticky day.”

What others have said about Betty:

“Betty Dravis is a fantastic mix of Shirley Jackson, Edna Buchanan and Janis Joplin. Don’t ask me how I came up with that unlikely comparison––I just feel it, and I haven’t been drinking much tonight….” – Mark LaFlamme, Author of Dirt: An American Campaign, Box of Lies and more.

“Betty Dravis’ ability to present real people, places, and things in the midst of a fantasy story are very close to what I strive for in my own writings. Characters with last names and problems who live in real places, but still have fantastical things happen to them, make for a wonderful story. “The Toonies Invade Silicon Valley” is truly a modern “James and the Giant Peach” or “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” kind of tale.” – J. H. Sweet, Author of The Fairy Chronicles.

Books by Betty Dravis:
Dream Reachers II co-authored with Chase Von.
Dream Reachers co-authored with Chase Von
1106 Grand Boulevard
The Toonies Invade Silicon Valley
Millennium Babe: The Prophecy
Star Struck: Interviews with Dirty Harry and Other Hollywood Icons

Betty Dravis also has several published short stories and wrote reviews for Midwest Book Reviews and was an Amazon top reviewer.

My Journey with Betty Dravis

My connection with Betty Dravis dates back to the MySpace days. We connected via our talented music friend, MT Robison, and developed a close bond with each other right away.

Betty Dravis was one of my top magazine supporters; she loved Talent Spotlight Magazine, and always looked forward to my featured interviews. I’ve also interviewed her a couple of times for the magazine.

She interviewed me for the second Dream Reachers book; it was such a great honour to be selected for the book alongside other wonderful people.

What I will remember most about Betty Dravis is her loving heart, and the genuine support she always had for me both personally and professionally. She truly was one in a million, and I will always hold a special place in my heart for her.


From Betty Dravis’ Kids:

Debbie Pangborn
I always got a kick out of Mom because she was 80+ years old and she Tweeted, Face-booked, and Blogged better than I do! Not to mention if you Google her (Betty Dravis) seven pages show up with her endeavours. I loved my Mom from the day I was born until the day she passed away. She held my hand during my lifetime and I held hers till the end. Mom was my friend, my teacher and my mother. She raised all of her children with lots of love and hugs. We never doubted her absolute unconditional love for us! She protected us till the end. There were six of us with me being the oldest. Through the Grace of God, Mom raised us all on her own through her writings. She was a self-made woman. She was strong and courageous and boy if anyone said anything negative about one of her kids, her mama bear-claws came out! We all love and miss her so very much.

Tidbits: In High School, mom was a drum-majorette. She studied journalism at HS and College. Before I was born she modelled for Campbell Soup Company. When Allie (the youngest) started kindergarten Mom wrote a column for the Sun Newspaper and that was the beginning of her long career as a writer. She quickly climbed the ladder from journalist to editor, to publisher owner. I always thought that Mom was born with a camera in her hand – she had a natural talent for taking pictures of people. When she retired, she followed her dreams of getting her books published and made into films. She was also an Amazon Vine Reviewer. Mom literally worked all her life until two weeks prior to her leaving this earth.

Memory: In grade school, I was bullied. The next day Mom went with me to school and talked to the mean girls and invited them to learn how to double-dutch jump rope with me. We all had fun and they stopped bullying me. Mom Rocked!

Mindy James
As a young child, Mom and I would sit at the counter at a small coffee shop for coffee, hot chocolate and bear claws before going to the TV station where she hosted ‘The Gilroy Gadabout’ and her job as a journalist for a local newspaper. When we moved to Los Gatos, CA, Mom worked all hours of the night. I slept in a sleeping bag on a cold cement floor near the printing presses. There were no computers back then so she would typewrite, cut and paste, and glue. She let me do the rubber letters for the headlines, which had to go in backwards! I loved being with her! Later on, I worked with Mom at CLN in Silicon Valley for 20 years and learned so much! She was well known by local politicians as well as Senators, Congress, etc… She was always such a generous person and loved her family! Our son Seth always enjoyed Grama’s company and the pool parties at her house when he was four+ years old! Mom would always help to explain what was being said on the TV because there was no closed caption back then. When Mom lived in Reno, our daughter Jessica flew to visit Grama all by herself. She enjoyed waking up in her robes and reading the newspaper and says Grama was always such a hard worker!

Tidbits: Mom loved her banana cream pies from 7-11 when we travelled on Uvas Rd back and forth from Los Gatos to Gilroy, before moving to LG! I have a tat of an eagle holding a rose on my shoulder in honour of Mom because she loved the songs “The Yellow Rose of TX” and “When Eagles Fly”… I played them at her retirement party!

Memory: My husband Kevin and I really enjoyed our trips to Reno with Mom. We stayed at a casino and ate breakfast while playing Keno for hours just chatting and laughing with Mom!

Allie Rodriguez
I am the youngest of six children. My mom raised us completely on her own once I was born (mom and dad split up before I was one year old.) Mom worked hard and always made sacrifices for us and put us first no matter what. When mom started dating we would be sure to scare him off. She didn’t seem to mind and just kept working hard. When she interviewed Clint Eastwood, he invited her to dinner, but she had to turn him down because she only had a sitter for a short time. She was the strongest, toughest, independent and smartest hard-working mother that I know. She always stayed positive and believed God would take care of her and He always did. One of the last things my mom said to my sister Debbie was, “I always wanted to be brave and now’s my chance.” She was strong and tough, yet graceful and she passed away gracefully.

Tidbits: Nick, my husband reminded me that mom always made holidays special, especially Christmas. She once bought us a Christmas tree that reached the top of our two-story house!

Memory: I took Mom to Lake Tahoe and there was a white-out snowstorm as we drove home. Mom said, “Most people would turn around.” I didn’t know how to change my plans so I continued driving home. We slid one foot from the edge of the snowbank. It wasn’t funny – it was really scary. She was so tough and so brave. Me, I’m just crazy – LOL. XO

Robert Dravis Jr.
I was and am proud of my mother. She raised us all by herself and gave us unconditional love and hugs. We always knew we were loved no matter what! Mom was fair and she treated us equally from cutting up a pie in equal sizes to spending the same amount of money on each of us. I was the only boy and she called me her “Little Man.” When I got older she called me her “Sonshine.” When I was little, mom was resting with her eyes closed. I asked her, “Mommy, where are your eyes?” Mom laughed and then gave me my first anatomy lesson. Mom’s first financial lesson was when we were at a store and I wanted something. She said, she didn’t have enough money, so I told her to just write one of those checks. She explained banking to me! Mom will forever be in my heart. I miss Mom. We all do. She was very proud of her six children.

Tidbits: For the love of her kids she’d put things on lay-a-way at Gemco so we could each have one big item for Christmas.

Memory: When Mom had to leave me at Kindergarten for the first time I was kicking and screaming, “Mommy! Mommy! Don’t leave me!” The principal came over and told her to just walk away from that I’d be fine. She did but it broke her heart and she left crying. When mom picked me up to take me back home, I was so happy and so was she! — Mommy, you’re Home now with Jesus –

Jennifer Dawn
Although this is a difficult time in my life to be writing this because Betty Dravis has passed on, it is also a wonderful time to look back and see her smile as my words pour out onto the paper. I can feel her with me and at my side as I have for so many years since meeting her that very first time. Betty Dravis has been an inspiration, a guide, a mentor, and a true friend from day one. It is Betty who opened many doors for me into the world of Hollywood and into the lives of many actors that are now in my films. Betty Dravis was my co-producer on many films, and editor in chief, PR person, and all-around ‘get er done’ mainstay whenever I needed anything and didn’t quite know how to reach out and accomplish it; meaning…whenever I needed a certain actor or talent she could get a hold of them and create that connection for me. Every time she did create a connection the bonds remain tight and always prove to be the perfect working relationship and friendship. Betty herself was a star and always she will shine bright; Diva yes that too, but always the shining star highest in the sky for all to see and for all to know that she is forever there watching over them. Betty was meaningful for so many people and loved each and every person whose life she touched. I light a candle for her, feel her always at my side, and am forever grateful to have met her and to have had her in my life. I miss her.

There is so much to say about Betty Dravis, and words will never do her justice. From Flowers in the Snow, Don’t Ever Tell, To the Top, Heavy Metal, Saving the GPS Lady, and Passageway to Hell… To the rest of the films I have still yet to complete with Betty, there is more work for her and me to do. We are not done, and I am thankful for that…through me and through her work she will remain alive and vital to many. Forbidden Tears Productions Publishing Company has signed her two books Six-Pack of Blood and Six-Pack of Fear and yes…there are more films left to complete in the 7 film anthology, and others she and I had spoken about from the other books that she wanted taken to film with FTP. I am honoured, and she is loved. Beautiful, Inspiring, Gracious, and now with Christ…she is home.

Ashley Fontainne
I had the privilege of saying goodbye to a close friend and mentor before she passed away. It was a tremendous honour to tell her how much I admire her strength, kind heart, sweet soul and generous nature. Those few precious minutes gave me the opportunity to thank her for being a bright light in a dark world. She was a beacon: she let her love of the Lord shine in everything she did. Loving wife; caring mother; wonderful writer; a soul full of joy and warmth. Spry, spunky, a perpetual smile and giving spirit, she made an impression on all around her. She’s been a part of my life for years, and I even named one of my characters after her, which tickled her pink. We clicked immediately upon meeting, and she never failed to offer encouraging words when I struggled with adversity in my own life. Though we never met face to face, we talked a lot on the phone and through social media. Though I miss her I have no doubt I’ll see her again. Life is precious…And fleeting. Stop and pick up that phone and make a call; if close, get in your vehicle and go hug a loved one. Tell them how much you love them. Right now. We aren’t promised tomorrow, only today.

Barbara Watkins
She believed she could – so she did!
A few years ago, I read a book by the name of, The Toonies Invade Silicon Valley and just had to meet the author. I befriended Betty through Facebook, asking if I could review her work. She graciously agreed. After a few more messages back and forth, we exchanged phone numbers. We both felt an instant connection to one another. It was as if we had known each other for years. Our love of reading and writing had brought us together – a love for our faith, family and drive to succeed in our craft fueled the fire. Betty and I would go on to collaborate on two works of fiction, Six-Pack of Blood and Six-Pack of Fear. Betty was my mentor, my loyal friend to the end. I will forever treasure our late-night conversations, our ‘Happy Dancing’ as she would say, rejoicing in each other’s accomplishments. I often feel her presence still, her loving spirit guiding me on. Her last gift to me was a beautiful necklace engraved, “She believed she could – so she did.” A motto she lived by…

Chase Von
Betty Dravis…or Angel Betty as I called her was without a doubt, a unique individual. Yes, I know that a lot of folks say a lot of nice things about them when they move on. However, in her case, that was said numerous times and often on a daily basis while she was still with us: The reason? Her one-of-a-kind personality and how evident it was she truly loved people. If you knew Betty for any length of time, you knew she was not timid of sharing her love of God. Before you knew when it happened, she was telling you she loved you, and you would do the same without any earthly explanation because you would know it was true. I don’t think any of us who met her can say the day, the minute, or the hour that it happened— You met her, time went by, and you knew she loved you and you loved her too. Nailing down the exact time would be like catching the wind with a fishing net.

I admit that I feel wholly unqualified to capture in a paragraph or two what this amazing soul meant to so many of us fortunate enough to have shared some time with her in this thing we call life. She was a mother to her children, a second mother to me and so many others. She was old, wise, young at heart, funny, and a woman that wore many hats. I’ve worked with her so I know! When she took off her motherly hat and put on her Editors hat, look out and tremble! There are kids going to college for four years who could learn more from Angel Betty in mere months! Got so bad that say, I’d go to send her a message on what an outstanding job she had done on an interview with Judyth Piazza of The American Perspective and… I’d pause…Check to make sure every word was correct before I’d hit send! She just made you better by knowing her.

I’ve asked Jessica to include a video that finally made me weep after learning of Betty’s passing. It was surreal for me. I.e. One day I learn she is in the hospital, and the next she is gone. Now, I am asking everyone that has taken the time to read this to do one thing. Forget about the perfume, etc and reverse the genders for my case. Because in truth, what I am really saying is I don’t have the words, but something that comes closer than I can is another song… So I’m hoping you can understand it is the feeling being conveyed and not an exact word specific nailing of what I’m trying to express. That song is, “To Sir, With Love.”

Right now I can envision Angel Betty in the arms of Jesus with a pen and paper in one hand and the keys to a Pink Harley in the other. (Those of you who knew her know about the Harley)… (Smile). I also can’t imagine there are any speed limits in Heaven. So, you’re missed more than words can adequately express Angel Betty… (Who taught so many so much outside a classroom). And also a lot of us who write, whether it is poetry or novels or what have you, tend to look at our creations as children of sorts. Something that lives on when we ourselves are gone; Angel Betty taught me another level of that. When you teach people, as she did so much and so often, pieces of her live on in what we create and who we also teach which brings me to this. I didn’t write it, but will always remember… Pieces of you… Far outweigh… The wholes… Of other people… I can think of nothing better to close this with for Angel Betty at the moment, but this… I miss you…

William Lashbrook and Katherin Kovin-Pacino
Betty Dravis has been an inspiring friend for many years, both to myself and to my wife, Katherin Kovin-Pacino. Betty was so fond of Katherin, that she asked if she would pose for the cover to her book, Dream Reachers, celebrating true stories of people who overcame life’s battering storms to find fulfillment and success.

She crammed many careers into her long and eventful life, and her good humour and ever-positive outlook on humanity, served as a beacon to all who were privileged to count her as a “friend.”

A titan has fallen. We are diminished by her passing.

Don Allen
It is with a sad and heavy heart that I find myself writing this about a beautiful soul, Betty Dravis.

Even though I never got to meet Betty, I felt that I knew her closely. Her warmth and love of life just reached out and touched you.

She was always there in support of both me and my music. At times, I noticed when I may have been down, she was always there to cheer me up and encourage me on.

I loved Betty and her beautiful ways and will miss her so much.

RIP Dear Lady. Your memory will always be with me.

Love ya always.

Antonia Tosini
When Jessica Gilbert asked me to write a tribute to Betty Dravis for Talent Spotlight Magazine, I felt honoured. Betty was a woman with extraordinary talents; talented, intuitive, sensitive and generous, hard not to love her. Our friendship was born years ago through Facebook. I know little about the English language, but Betty was so careful and perspicacious, that she really understood the content of my comments and messages. I’m a screenwriter and writer of various books, documentary director with the idea of making a big movie in America, and she always supported and encouraged my dream. I’ve been working for many years, both at the script level and Production Planning: with more or less famous Italian and foreign directors and writers. With me, Betty was always available and advised me like a mother (she was my mother’s age), rich in humanity, thoughtful and affectionate.

I did not know her personally, but her constant presence on my Facebook page and messages showed her loyalty in our friendship. We were comfortable sharing things with each other. A few years ago, I was honoured to be featured in her celebrity interview book, Dream Reachers II. Then she contributed to my book in Italian English, THE WOUNDED ROSE – LA ROSA FERITA, writing a text on violence against women, and said she was very thankful for this. She tried to support all of my books, advertising them on her Facebook page, in her blog, etc. I will always be grateful that we talked about meeting in person, but we knew it was impossible due to the distance and our commitments. Often, she said this to me, “Antonia, we will surely meet in our next life.” I replied, “certainly Betty, and I can’t do anything, but thank you for coming into my life and having it embellished.”

Good-bye, my sweet friend, rest in the blessed light of the Lord … I will never forget you.

Dr. Linda Salvin
Betty Dravis was referred to me by my friend Katherin Koven Pacino. Katherin had been a listener to my radio show and a client before we became friends. She met Betty on Facebook. Betty was awed by Hollywood celebrities. As an author, she was writing the 2nd volume of her Dream Reachers series. She contacted me to be interviewed for her book. Many of us were. She was professional, thorough, literate, humorous, motherly and wise. We chatted online, a few times by phone, helped promote each other’s creative ventures and were great support for ourselves and others. Her book, Heavy Metal was produced by Jennifer Dawn, and I was asked to play a mother in the film. I flew to Arkansas, spoke to Betty on the phone one day in August 2016 and the rest of the communication was here on Facebook until she passed. She was a lovely spirit, I called her Grasshopper as she seemed to be learning and jumping everywhere. I will miss her smiles and comments. May she rest in peace for touching so many lives. Fondly, Dr. Linda Salvin

Armand Mastroianni
Although I never had the pleasure of actually meeting her, Betty Dravis and I became very good friends. We were first acquainted when she asked me to write a foreword to the anthology book she had co-authored with Barbara Watkins, called Six-Pack of Blood. After reading the stories, I felt the authors completely understood the genre in telling the six spine-chilling tales. Later on, I read other books by Betty which were in a completely different genre and realized what a great storyteller she was. We spoke often on the phone too. When I produced and directed Dark Desire, Betty and Barbara Watkins did as much as they could to get the word out about my film. Betty was always interested in the smallest details and we would chat sometimes for hours about film, her books and the movie business. She was a very special person, and I realized how much she cared about people and helping others. She was interested in my family, what they were doing and communicated with my son who is also in the film business. Betty became like a member of our family, so needless to say, I was so saddened to hear of her passing. She was a wonderful storyteller and a good friend. I will miss you, Betty!

Russell Emanuel
Betty was an amazing woman. She first came to my attention on my feature film “Occupants” when she joined our Indiegogo campaign. Ever since then, I read her incredible books and stories and was amazed at her dedication to her craft. I had the honour of visiting her back in 2015 and I was so happy I made that journey. I will miss you dearly Betty. Much love, Russ

Donna Solitario
Angel Betty
How you touched my heart
I adored you right from the start
When Chase Von introduced me to you
Your unconditional love made me feel anew
Being blessed by your kindness and gentle ways
Brought hopeful brighter days
I admired everything about you
How you were a Dream Reacher that made your dreams come true
Your amazing talent, enthusiasm, dedication, unstoppable hard work
Always following through
You were always just a heartbeat away
You truly inspired me with your unshakable faith
It touched me deeply when you wrote a review for me on amazon, of my book Coming
Home To My Heart!
It set my soul free
In fact, your review enhanced my confidence and warmed my soul
Dear God, how I wish you never had to go
Although we were miles away
Just knowing you were a text away
Was always a gift that made my day
Always sharing wisdom and love and hope
Just seeing your beautiful smile inspired me the most
How I loved your fun-loving ways
Living your life to the absolute fullest, always remembering to pray
Thank you so much Betty for being a part of my life
For always being there lessening life’s strife
For being a golden light
You were one of my biggest blessings
Thanks so very much for making me feel like I fit in
For giving me a glimpse of heaven
One day my precious angel friend
We will be together once again
Thanks for treating me with love and dignity
I will love and cherish you for all eternity
May God hold you tenderly in the palm of his hand
Your loving colleague and friend
Donna M. Solitario

Curtis Frost
Just gut-wrenching to hear that Betty passed away. She was so vibrant when I saw her. I am so, so sorry we lost her. I know how much she meant to everyone. Sending everyone and her family so much love. I’ve been working. No internet up where I am. Not sure what to say, or do, but to be with everyone at this time. I am very heartbroken, but I’m very glad I stopped in to see her while I had the chance.

Annette Ziegler
Betty was such a beautiful, funny, happy and direct person. She did everything from the heart with class and direction. She worked hard and never gave up on anything. She always referred to me as her homey-girl because I am a Buckeye and she was as well until she moved to California, but you can never break a true Buckeye gal from her roots. She was an inspiration to all within her huge span of friends. We loved her then and we love her still. Sometimes I find my heart breaks when I see her posts on my pictures and think of the song “Betty Davis Eyes” that she loved so much and this makes me smile. She is and always will be missed but shall remain in our hearts forever.

Charlotte Haug
Betty and I shared a deep love and passion for the Old early Hollywood days. She came into my life through her loving partner filmmaker, Jennifer Dawn. When we were working on Flowers in The Snow, we spoke almost daily – about work, people, and things we both cherished in life. She had so much talent, grace and love for GOD. She was also the greatest friend, who always loved and supported you in every way, and went above and beyond to help you in every way. She was truly a special angel sent to me.

Linda Lee
I met Betty Dravis on Facebook a few years ago. I never got to meet her in person, but she meant the world to me. I’m an author and Betty was kind enough to buy my book The Lonesome Soldier: The Long Road Home. It’s a true story about PTSD and it’s my oldest son’s story. She gave me a wonderful review and it meant so much to me. I cried for days over the loss of my dear friend. I will miss our late-night chats, but I know she’s in heaven watching over all of us.

Christina Pickett
If you could imagine an orchid, Betty was an absolute epitome of its meaning.

Her light amplified her beauty, strength, unconditional love and compassion towards

The beauty of her talents also amplifies that we are not here to serve ourselves but others and that light aroused my curiosity, which I quickly gravitated towards, wanting to know more about her, as she did me.

Betty first approached me eager to interview my book’s title, The Plot: A Diary’s Secret. I didn’t know her at the time, so I reluctantly declined the interview. Nevertheless, and unbeknownst to me, this would be the start of a special bond between us. Likewise, I didn’t know until her passing that she spoke of me with great admiration, I am told.

Betty had a great sense of humour. With many tricks up her sleeve, I believe she got
exactly from me what she desired and instilled in me. She wanted me to see what she saw in me. My own unique inner beauty, strength, courage, and talent, and since
knowing her I’ve grown in so many ways. Betty understood and got me.

Apart from writing, I consulted Betty beforehand, on what would become my first interview with Actor, Filmmaker, Producer and Director, Talino Adamo. And also with
Kevin L. Humes on their upcoming film title, Coupons and Dreams, wherein I credited Betty Dravis as being my inspiration.

Like an orchid’s pedals, Betty’s astonishing light, beauty, unconditional love and strength are a witness, and (if you can imagine), an epitome of an orchid.

She was a great teacher of life, and taught us well!

I will always adore, love, respect and admire her, and miss her dearly!
My sincere condolences to her family, friends, and fans!
~ Christina Pickett ~

Scott Whitt
Betty Dravis came into my life at the beginning of the end of a decade-long depression. She offered me true friendship. She included me. She supported me. She loved me. I loved her. She did, in fact, change my life. She gave me the best gift one can give. Hope. I will never forget her.

Kashy Keegan
I will remember Betty as a true inspiration. Although we never met in person, through the countless messages and correspondence we had online, I knew she was a phenomenal woman. Certainly, she had a generosity of spirit and was always so encouraging of others. She featured me in her first Dream Reachers book and made my song “This Is My Dream” its theme song. I admire how driven she was – Betty was the definitive dream reacher – right up until the end she was always working on projects. Her passion and drive set her apart. She will be sorely missed.

Monica Chapman
She was a truly special lady whom I admired and respected! Her unconditional love she gave us all was rare and I shall cherish her in my heart for the rest of my life! Her daughter, Debbie told me she loved my voice and was my “cheerleader.” She believed in me and always felt I would make it!

Jackie Krudop
I think the best thing that I can say about Betty would be that, although we had never met, she took this simple girl from the Midwest and made her dream of having a website even more validated. That meant plenty to what started out as a little start-up website soon had over 10 and 20,000 hits weekly because of her published interview with me. She truly made her a dream reacher series a reality for me– she played a very big role in putting my website, Pacino Worldwide on the virtual map!! Anyone that was lucky enough to “speak” to Betty either through the web or in person, will surely agree that the world as we know it has lost a beautiful angel…but Heaven will now be just that much sweeter with her around. Her legacy shall forever reside within us all.

Neil Barlow
When scrolling through my Facebook page, I was stunned and saddened to read Jessica’s comment on Betty’s daughter Debbie’s post, the passing of Betty Dravis. Betty was a beautiful person with a beautiful soul. Always had a kind word for everyone. She supported and loved the music that Michael and I wrote and produced, and had done from the start. Also encouraged further projects too when we worked on our solo music. She has helped many others along the way too. Recently, I took a look through our chats on messenger on Facebook and I loved her sense of humour and her kind heart. I will certainly miss that. Betty will be missed by many. Rest in peace dear Betty.

John Breckenridge
Betty Dravis was a kind and Loving Lady, whom I have known for many years. Loved her dearly. An awesome friend and a true beauty; she will be missed on Earth, but has a permanent place in my heart.

Thaddeus Ygnacio
Betty was one of the Sweetest, kindness and loving friends you could ever ask for. She was always saying such nice things to make me and everyone feel proud to be her friend. Always keeping in touch to see how I was doing. I always knew I had a friend that cared so very much about me and what I was doing in my school and movie projects. I could go to her for advice and she was always so generous and helped me. She was always there for me. She loved every one. You will always have a place in my heart. I will never forget you. Thank you for being so proud of me. I will miss our talks and your kind words. I know you are an Angel now, so you can keep an eye on me always, and smiling with your beautiful smile. I will make you proud of me. You would tell me to keep up the good work and I will be a Star one day, and you will always be my STAR. Love Thaddeus Ygnacio

Rob Waterlander
Betty and I met in person while I was in California for some workshops in San Francisco and Los Angeles; it was 2010. I visited her at home and we had lunch with each other. Meeting her and John was a good thing to do. We had been in contact since 2008 until recently when she moved homes and probably closer to Jesus than she was in California. I fear her and me meeting again after September 24, 2086.
Thank you Jesus for meeting Betty!

Gary Culver
My great friend Betty Dravis was most certainly an Angel of God’s. As I was recovering from total respiratory failure and renal failure, God sent Betty to be my guardian Angel. She chatted with me daily and called me A Piece of American Advertising and compared me to people that were really famous! Lol… Her cheer and stickers made me feel the love for her humanity and God. I Feel her here and now! Her spirit will stay with me forever. Heaven is happier with our beloved Angel, Betty.

Danny Jones
She was one of my biggest fans! She has always encouraged me in my music and also my music in films as well. I will really miss her a lot

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