Interview with Bernd Hau

Bernd Hau: Freelance Artist
and Photographer

Bernd Hau is a freelance artist and author based in Cologne,Germany. He specializes in photography, painting and digital art.

TSM: Hi Bernd, thank you so much for doing an interview for TSM. It’s great to have you in the magazine.

BH: Thank you very much, I was very happy about your invitation to do the interview.

TSM: How did you get your start as an artist and photographer? And is it something you always wanted to do?

BH: I started photography and painting as a hobby a few years ago. It was never planned that I would become an artist. I just enjoy painting and photography, always trying new things and broadening my horizons. From time to time, I became better known through the social media channels, so the interest in my work also increased. Of course, I am a little proud that I was able to sell some of my work to the USA, Canada and Switzerland. It’s nice when buyers write to me today telling me how much they enjoy my work.

TSM: Where do your ideas come from?

BH: It is completely different, sometimes my own photos are the inspiration or just things that I see in nature. But also things that I imagine, and sometimes friends send me inspirations. Landscapes are always a nice idea to paint or photograph

TSM: What is your preferred painting medium and why? Have you experimented with different mediums?

BH: I paint a lot in acrylic on canvas, it’s just my favorite medium. But there are no limits to my imagination. I combined some of my acrylic works with resin art and amethysts (the Miss Emily project). One of my works that I appreciate the most. It’s very, very unique. Pouring art is also a very interesting thing to work with. You never know where the paint will flow and how the work looks like in the end. I also create art with furniture, such as trays or coffee tables.

The Emily Resin Amethyst Art

TSM: What is your process for creating a piece of work?

BH: First of all, I have to have an idea or inspiration. It can come from a photo, or from my head. Then I slowly begin to put my idea on the canvas. it can sometimes take days until I am satisfied with my work.

TSM: How did your Artwork and Paintings book collaboration with Tj Vais come about? And did Tj write the poems specifically for each of your paintings, or were your paintings a response to Tj’s poems?

BH: When I started the book project, I had the idea to add poems to my pictures. So I asked Tj and he was enthusiastic about my idea. I sent him my pictures and he wrote the poems for them; it was a pleasure to work with him on this project. Tj is great person and a wonderful poet! I published the book as an ebook and as a hardcover. However, I am still looking for a worldwide publisher, so if you know someone…

Pouring Art

TSM: Who are some visual artists you admire and look up to?

BH: There are so many great artists out there. It wouldn’t be fair to name someone, but if I must choose one, I choose Igor Sakharov! He’s doing very impressive and inspiring work.

TSM: If you had the power to do something in the world today, what would it be and why?

BH: End all wars and clear the world of trash, especially the seas.

TSM: What is one of your favourite quotes (or lines) that inspires you?

BH: “Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.“ Sometimes we don’t know how well we are


TSM: Anything else you’d like to share? And where can readers find out more about you and your art?

BH: If someone is interested in my art, or has questions about me, you can contact me directly at any time via social media or on Fineartamerica. Some of my works can also be found in the art book, Artfreaksglobal Art Book, where famous artists from all over the world can be found with their work. Of course, I am very happy and proud to be part of this wonderful illustrated book that has been published worldwide.

TSM: Thanks again for taking time out of your day to do this interview, and wish you nothing but the best in the future.

BH: Thank you and wish you all the best with your magazine.

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One thought on “Interview with Bernd Hau

  1. Congratulations on this awesome interview. We are all very happy for you and so proud of all the amazing art you create .

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